The Northern Territory (NT) Government's priority is a $40 billion economy by 2030 and to grow a skilled and agile workforce. To achieve this, the Territory will need 166,000 skilled workers.
The workforce framework outlines the government’s commitment to growing a skilled workforce through a range of services and programs.
The framework is driven by a combination of government priorities, industry and business needs, major project developments, regional and remote workforce participation, and economic factors.
Framework principles
The main principles of the framework involve utilising evidence-based strategies to invest in skills and maximising employment opportunities by focusing on priority areas. It emphasises collaboration and partnerships with industry leaders, businesses, and training organisations to meet the specific needs of different sectors. The framework also prioritises adaptability to address community and local concerns and aims to achieve workforce objectives effectively.
By implementing this framework the government can respond appropriately to evolving economic and employment conditions. It also provides transparency for the public, businesses and industry to understand investment decisions in skilling and workforce initiatives.
Workforce inputs
The inputs into the workforce framework include understanding the skilling and workforce needs of industry, business and major projects in the NT with an emphasis on regional and remote needs.
The NT skilled occupation priority list (NTSOPL) provides guidance for hard to fill jobs and occupation skills shortages to address immediate and long-term skills needed in the Territory workforce.
To view the NTSOPL, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
Services and program offerings
The framework will guide the development and implementation of policies and guidelines for investment into our workforce programs and initiatives.
For further information around the funding streams included in the framework, go to business grants and funding on the Northern Territory Government website.
To continue to grow and develop a skilled and capable workforce in the Territory the framework offers the following services and programs:
- Apprenticeship and traineeships: combined training and employment that leads to nationally recognised qualifications for employees whilst also building employer’s skills base.
- Public providers: underpinning the economic, social and cultural development of the Territory providing training, education and research.
- Targeted and responsive programs: training for identified skills needs and employment opportunities, underpinned by government and industry prioritises with a strong links to job outcomes.
- Migration programs: delivering business and skilled migration programs for the Territory.
- Industry engagement: working with stakeholders across industry, business and regions to identify and address skilling and workforce needs.
- Workforce attraction: assist local businesses and industry to attract interstate and international workers to move to the Territory to fill critical skills shortages.
- Advocate: on behalf of businesses and employers to access commonwealth government programs, influence policy and support the interests of Territorians and territory businesses in skills, workforce and migration.
Get a printable copy of the workforce framework wheel PDF (72.8 KB).