
Further resources

Hard to fill jobs in the NT

The Northern Territory (NT) Government identifies jobs in high demand or that are critical to the local economy and industry. This is known as the Northern Territory skilled occupation priority list (NTSOPL).

For more information, go to the Northern Territory Government website.

Industry Skills Advisory Council NT

Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISAC NT) is the peak coordinating group that monitors and analyses industry based needs and trends to inform the skilling and related workforce needs of industry sectors.

For more information, go to the Industry Skills Advisory Council NT website.

Australian Apprenticeship Support Services

The Australian Apprenticeship Support Services NT can help employers, apprentices and trainees with the following:

  • advice and assistance on apprenticeships and traineeships
  • finding apprenticeship, traineeship and training pathways
  • employer and apprentice matching
  • conducting a sign-up visit
  • workplace inspections and employer approvals
  • registering training contracts
  • monitoring apprentices and trainees and resolving disputes
  • paying Australian and Northern Territory government incentives and subsidies to eligible employers, apprentices and trainees
  • processing training contract assignments, cancellations and completions
  • issuing certificates and other notices to employers, apprentices and trainees.

For more information, go to the Australian Apprenticeships Support Services website.

Group training organisation directory

Employers and individuals can use the group training organisation (GTO) directory to find a GTO to help employers find the right apprentice or trainee, and individuals to find their ideal apprenticeship or traineeship.

To search for a GTO, go to the National Apprentice Employment Network website.

NT based registered training organisations

For a list of all Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) based in the Northern Territory,
get the NT based registered training organisations DOCX (65.8 KB).

Public providers

Public providers in the Northern Territory are funded to respond to the general skills needs:

Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

For more information on national and state skills and training, go to the Australian Government's Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.

Find out about national employment on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.

Migration programs

Delivering business and skilled migration programs in the Territory and national and international worker attraction.

To find out more about migration programs, go to The Territory website.

Your Career

Your Career is an Australian Government initiative that lets you search for, and compare, nationally recognised training courses and providers.

For more information, go to Your Career.

Training and skilling policies

The Northern Territory (NT) Government is committed to supporting long-term participation in the local workforce through training and skilling programs for Territorians.

For more information about the department’s policies for training and skilling programs, go to the Department of Education and Training website.

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