Build and grow capable workplaces
All businesses are reliant on a skilled workforce to help them succeed and grow. Vocational education and training (VET) supports businesses develop the skilled and dynamic workforce they need to ensure their sustainability into the future.
Training isn’t just about taking on new employees, apprentices or trainees. It can also be used to develop the skills of your existing employees.
Training your workforce represents a significant investment in the future of your business and can help you ensure you get the skilled workforce your company needs, when you need it.
VET is one of the ways of developing the workforce you need to meet the demands of the future. Individuals learn on the job while completing their apprenticeship or traineeship and are guaranteed employment once they complete their qualifications. Apprentices and trainees can be trained in a way that suits your business culture and skills needs. VET is an enabler for business growth and allows employers to upskill and train its next generation of employees.
So choose VET today to grow your workforce of tomorrow.
Support the growing of the future skilled workforce for your business and industry.
How to access training
Australia has over 4,000 registered training organisations (RTOs) providing nationally recognised training and qualifications. They include TAFE institutes, universities, private and public training and assessment organisations, enterprises, schools and adult education providers. Training providers have to meet national standards to become RTOs and they are regularly audited for quality.
There are two main ways employers can benefit from VET:
- upskilling staff
- taking on apprentices and trainees.
To find a training organisations who are nationally accredited to deliver in the Northern Territory, go the website.
There are also hundreds of courses available via our public providers, Charles Darwin University and Batchelor Institute.
Upskilling staff
Skilling is a fast and efficient way of developing your existing workforce.
It can provide your employees with nationally accredited professional development opportunities and keep your business up-to-date with the latest skills and innovations.
Skilling can really make a difference to your workplace and business capacity:
- apprentices will bring new skills to your business
- can be used as a part of your staff development programs
- allows you to upskill your valued employees who know your business.
Workforce skilling grants
Many grant programs are available to support business and industry to build the workforce they need. This includes upskilling the workforce. Some grants are available for registered training organisations to offer the relevant training.
For a full list of business grants available, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Australian Apprenticeships attract financial assistance for eligible employers to help reduce the real cost of training.
Australian Apprenticeships Support Network (AASN) is jointly funded by the Australian Government's Department of Education, Skills and Employment and the Northern Territory Government's Department of Education and Training to provide both administrative and regulatory functions on their behalf.
The purpose of the AASN is to support the successful promotion and delivery of Australian Apprenticeships to current and prospective Australian apprentices and employers, and to assist other people who may be interested in pursuing VET pathways.
If your business needs assistance with apprentices or trainees, contact the AASN.
For more information about how your business can benefit from an apprentice or trainee, read apprenticeships and traineeships.
Workforce planning advice and support
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade offers programs that can help businesses plan for their long-term employee needs.
The Business Growth Program aims to enhance workforce retention and training by the development and implementation of policies and practices designed to assist with sustainable employment outcomes.
Find out more about the Business Growth Program on the Northern Territory Government website.
More information
Industry Skills Advisory Council Northern Territory (ISACNT) works with industry, enterprises, government and training providers to improve training arrangements for all industries across the Northern Territory. ISACNT can help you navigate the training system and pursue a highly skilled workforce.
Find out more on the Industry Skills Advisory Council Northern Territory website.